Casual Affairs

Willkommen, Gast!
Casual Affairs

Posting Awards
Award Name Description
5 Inplay-Posts 5 Inplay-Posts 5 Inplay-Posts
10 Inplay-Posts 10 Inplay-Posts 10 Inplay-Posts
25 Inplay-Posts 25 Inplay-Posts 25 Inplay-Posts
50 Inplay-Posts 50 Inplay-Posts 50 Inplay-Posts
75 Inplay-Posts 75 Inplay-Posts 75 Inplay-Posts
100 Inplay-Posts 100 Inplay-Posts 100 Inplay-Posts
200 Inplay-Posts 200 Inplay-Posts 200 Inplay-Posts
500 Inplay-Posts 500 Inplay-Posts 500 Inplay-Posts

User Awards
Award Name Description
Saves our asses every day. Saves our asses every day. Saves our asses every day.
Si Si bootiful team spirit
Kim Kim keeping the team sofishticated
Star Star You're a star! (Reason)
You seem to be a bit of a hoarder. You seem to be a bit of a hoarder. You seem to be a bit of a hoarder.
Been here since day one. Been here since day one. Been here since day one.
You're an early bird!	You're an early bird! You're an early bird!
2024 2024 What took you so long?
Beta is the new Alpha Beta is the new Alpha Beta is the new Alpha
Teilnehmer Teilnehmer Went to the Olympics. All I got was this fucking T-Shirt
Ziele Ziele No! The journey is not the reward!
Erster Erster I can post faster than any of you
Zweiter Zweiter First loser
Dritter Dritter At least I made it to the podium

Charakter Awards
Award Name Description Request
Alternativ Alternativ Free as a bee
Haus Haus Did it come with that white picket fence?
Wohnung Wohnung Housing crisis just got real.
Dorm Dorm Boarding school life!
England England Can I have a tea and some scones, please?
Ägypten Ägypten It's been a long way...
Argentinien Argentinien It's been a long way...
Australien Australien It's been a long way...
Belgien Belgien It's been a long way...
Brazilien Brazilien It's been a long way...
Chile Chile It's been a long way...
China China It's been a long way...
Dänemark Dänemark It's been a long way...
Deutschland Deutschland It's been a long way...
Finnland Finnland It's been a long way...
Frankreich Frankreich It's been a long way...
Griechenland Griechenland It's been a long way...
Holland Holland It's been a long way...
Indien Indien It's been a long way...
Indonesien Indonesien It's been a long way...
Iran Iran It's been a long way...
Irland Irland It's been a long way...
Israel Israel It's been a long way...
Italien Italien It's been a long way...
Japan Japan It's been a long way...
Kanada Kanada It's been a long way...
Kolumbien Kolumbien It's been a long way...
Marocco Marocco It's been a long way...
Mexiko Mexiko It's been a long way...
Norwegen Norwegen It's been a long way...
Peru Peru It's been a long way...
Philippinen Philippinen It's been a long way...
Polen Polen It's been a long way...
Portugal Portugal It's been a long way...
Russland Russland It's been a long way...
Saudi Arabien Saudi Arabien It's been a long way...
Schweden Schweden It's been a long way...
Schweiz Schweiz It's been a long way...
Singapur Singapur It's been a long way...
Spanien Spanien It's been a long way...
Südafrika Südafrika It's been a long way...
Südkorea Südkorea It's been a long way...
Taiwan Taiwan It's been a long way...
Thailand Thailand It's been a long way...
Tschechien Tschechien It's been a long way...
Türkei Türkei It's been a long way...
UK UK It's been a long way...
Ukraine Ukraine It's been a long way...
USA USA It's been a long way...
Venezuela Venezuela It's been a long way...
Vereinte Arabische Emirate Vereinte Arabische Emirate It's been a long way...
Vietnam Vietnam It's been a long way...
Puerto Rico Puerto Rico It's been a long way...
Hetero Hetero Are the straights okay?
Queer Queer I can't even think straight! (Gay/Lesbian/Bi/etc)
Unsicher Unsicher Still figuring things out
Single Single Ready to mingle!
Vergeben Vergeben We finish each others - sandwiches!
Verlobt Verlobt Last chance to run away!
Verheiratet Verheiratet ...and they lived happily ever after?
Geschieden Geschieden Game over.
Verwitwet Verwitwet Paranormal Activity
Kompliziert Kompliziert Alexa, play 'Complicated' by Avril Lavigne.
Jungfrau Jungfrau Mary's got nothing on me!
Promiskuitiv Promiskuitiv Hoehoehoe
Elternteil Elternteil #ParentOfTheYear
Single Dad Single Dad #DILF
Single Mum Single Mum #MILF
Expecting Expecting You put a bun in the oven! / You've got a bun in the oven!
Waise Waise Family party at the graveyard!
Adoptiert Adoptiert You were the chosen one!
Regenbogenfamilie Regenbogenfamilie Stuck in an infinite loop of dad jokes / Stuck in an infinite loop of 'Ask you Mum'
Patchworkfamilie Patchworkfamilie Like perfect puzzle pieces.
Familie an Board Familie an Board Blood is thicker than water.
SchülerIn SchülerIn Learning basic life skills like... algebra.
StudentIn StudentIn Go get that degree!
Stipendium Stipendium Someone took a chance on you
Absolvent Absolvent Wow you're smart!
Angestellter Angestellter More than a company, we're a family.
CEO CEO I'm the captain now!
Selbstständig Selbstständig It's just me, myself and I.
Arbeitslos Arbeitslos I could be an extra in 'The Job Lot'
Musik Musik The next Mozart's here.
Kunst Kunst Is that art or trash?
Handwerk Handwerk Bob the Builder's in the house.
Techie Techie Nerd Alert!
Sciene Sciene Sheldon Cooper would be proud
Social Media Social Media Living that Influencer-Life
Grüner Daumen Grüner Daumen Proud plant-parent
Kochen Kochen Gordon Ramsay, is that you?
Backen Backen Next winner of The Great British Bake Off
Philantrop Philantrop You love people! What is wrong with you?!
Einzelgänger Einzelgänger Normal people scare me
Tierlieb Tierlieb Heel! Sit! Down! Fetch!
Naturfreund Naturfreund Plants have feelings, too!
Weltenbummler Weltenbummler Around the world in 80 days
Gamer Gamer Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right
Stricken Stricken Wearing selfmade ugly christmas sweaters
Sportler Sportler #Gymbro / #Gymrat
Handy Handy Online 24/7
Workaholic Workaholic You better work, bitch!
Shopaholic Shopaholic Why is there so much month left at the end of the money?
Bücherwurm Bücherwurm Is one of your book characters having difficulties?
Politisch Politisch You love to raise your voice, huh?
Party Party Rule Nr.1 - never be the host!
Kinderlieb Kinderlieb Come to mommy! / Come to daddy!
nicht kinderlieb nicht kinderlieb A millstone around the neck? No thanks
Kaffee Kaffee Ok but first, coffee.
Tee Tee It's tea-time!
Introvert Introvert Why are you always so quiet?
Extrovert Extrovert Why are you always so loud?
Arm Arm Always broke
Reich Reich Money suits you well
Optimist Optimist Glass half-full type.
Pessimist Pessimist Glass half-empty type.
Realist Realist Let's face some facts
Geizhals Geizhals Not a single penny paid too much
Verschwenderisch Verschwenderisch Shut up and take my money!
Ordentlich Ordentlich Your inner Monk is strong
Chaotisch Chaotisch Only a genius masters chaos
Linkshänder Linkshänder At least I don't have two left feet...
Rechtshänder Rechtshänder Doing things the right way.
Kriminell Kriminell Criminal mind
Raucher Raucher There ain't no smoke without fire.
Stoner Stoner Have you met my friend Mary Jane?
Alkoholiker Alkoholiker No alcohol is not a solution either.
Junkie Junkie Don't do drugs! Oh...well...
Sober Sober This party's over
Vegetarier Vegetarier Fish are friends not food
Veganer Veganer It's mean vegan
Gläubig Gläubig I have a free book written by Jesus!
Abergläubig Abergläubig Never walk under a ladder!
Haustier Haustier Reindeers are better than people
Tattoowiert Tattoowiert Welcome to 'Ink Masters'
Gepierced Gepierced Too many holes to count...
gefärbte Haare gefärbte Haare Color your hair or dye trying.
Brillenträger Brillenträger Still waiting for my adult super-vision to kick in...
Narben Narben Porcelain skin ist great - never tried it tho
Berühmt Berühmt Clearly fame isn't it, Mr Potter?
psychische Erkrankung psychische Erkrankung Just trying to escape the psychiatric ward (Krankheit)
Krankheit Krankheit My doctor makes a fortune off of me (Krankheit)